Sunday, May 30, 2010

7-11 vs. La New

i went out by myself saturday night. i vaguely remember most of it. i drank with a few dudes i met while i was out. they were having a going-away party for one of thier boys and i got caught up in the mix, had some drinks, went to KTV, and stayed out until 4 in the morning with them. hilarious. then i went to a baseball game...7-11 Lions vs. the La New Bears...take a gander...

this dudes heading to the army wednesday, so his boys cut his hair for him

hiding his fresh cut

douliou baseball stadium

told you...

lions and bears

rowdy lions fans

stackin his colors

swing batta batta swing


and the pitch

wait for it...

here it comes...

uh, scoreboard again

im not exaggerating...there were about 7 batters hit by pitches in this game...

and there werent any homeruns...

but Athena was still pullin for her squad

i took a picture of us on the screen

fans gettin amped

thinking about where he's gona throw the next pitch... face? ribs??

bring it

La New Bears fans

da bears

they were giving away bikes

this guy probably stole a bike once

this guy is american. everytime hes up they wave a giant american flag...but its actually 4 american flags sewn together.

dark and stormy

the crew

end of game...(La New) Bears 3-(7-11) Lions 1

this was going on all game. ha!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why is there a Taiwanese person named "Pablo"? That makes no sense!
