Sunday, May 23, 2010


so my boss and i went to this amusement park (janfusun fancy world) thats close to my town on friday. the park was alright, i feel spoiled though because coming from the home of Cedar Point...this joint was like Kiddie Park. nonetheless, its a good time and its always an option for something to do so i cant hate on it. there are some pictures but not many...ill head back sometime though and im sure there'll be more...anyway the highlight of my weekend was a joke told to me by Adelaide while we were in line for a ride at this fancy world...

three guys are hired to work in a mine...a white guy, a black guy, and a chinese guy. the boss says to the white guy, "youre in charge of digging and shoveling the coal". he says to the black guy "youre in charge of hauling the coal outta the mine". he turns to the chinese man and says "youre in charge of the suplies". so after a few hours of digging and hauling the coal...the white guy and the black guy realized they havent seen the chinese guy in a while. the two of them walk through the mine looking for the chinese guy when all of a sudden out of the shadows the chinese guy jumps out and yells "SURPLIZE!!!!" gotta admit the joke itself is pretty funny, but top it off with the fact that its being told by a woman of asian descent, and the comedy is ten-fold.

aside from the amusement park visit, i got through my first week of teaching and it was pretty good. the kids are cool, things are starting to fall into place and im gettin back into the swing of things. one of the kids, Vincent, who i dub Vincenzo, showed me that he knew how to use "shit." in the right context when one of his classmates bumped into him as he was showing me how to do a rubix cube. This of course, was hilarious. hes about 8 or 9 years old. ha!

i visited a local dive bar a couple times this week as well. the first time was by myself because thats pretty much how i roll around here. also i had the next day off and i didnt want to stick around my apartment all night. it was a bold move considering i didnt know what to expect in terms of clientele and communication, but its all good. the bartender, Addy, speaks english that shes picked up from workin at the bar and the owner mark speaks english pretty well also. aside from those two, i met a dude from scottland/england who's been here for 7 years. the second time i went with my friends from minnesota. we got to see a college band play some guns'n roses (in honor of us english-speakin folk) and a buncha taiwanese songs. the night was in full effect with a baby bouncin around the bar, a four year old girl rockin out to the band, and my man Pablo (a taiwanese tour guide who can speak all kinds of languages) chattin me up about i dont even remember what...

lifes startin to get routine around these parts.

teaching 'homemaker'

teaching jobs

warmin up my swing

role-playin chicks with big hair

chicken dance!

cuttin rugs

entrance to the amusement park


G-5 drop


fancy world

night time illumination


light tree path

raining lights

a coffee museum, seriously.

sippin a cup'o joe with Jory

yeah, its sideways, but tilt your head and read the english for the drinks. ha!


college campus

saw this poster on campus, thought it was cool

this where i break dudes' ankles...and occasionally roll mine

the military base at the end of my street where theres always a dude holdin an M-16 behind the gates...

my school!

Welcome to Doors English...

hey, look what i found again! turns out this place is really close to my apartment...still have no idea where and how i got lost that night...

big buddha temple

random street

the movie theater

one of the trucks i buy pineapples from

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