Sunday, May 9, 2010

intro to my new life in Douliu

i saw this at the airport in alaska...

my building

welcome to the lab

lab 2

the whip

road warrior

J doritos?

i saw this the night i got myself lost...i knew id never find it again so i took a picture

i also stumbled across this graffiti ridden tunnel

fashion HOUSE maybe?

this shirt caught my eye, ha!

my drink joint

temple by my apartment

round about, that dude on the scooter is totally going the wrong way

huge temple in the middle of town

streets of douliu

douliu train station

streets outside of train station

rope labyrinth, very disappointed to find there was neither david bowie nor a bog of eternal stentch

park entrance

park swamp

night market chaos
night market 2

night market 3

night market lot the morning after

matsu's birthday bash


  1. J doritos!! Great pics man. The lab will do just fine.

  2. its its cousin chuckie, the one you share a bday with. i just have to say you are so lucky! If you come across any Taoist temples snap a pic 4 me plz.

  3. Hey Mike, This is T6's Eric. I just find out that your lab is very to my home. By the way, could you send me the song "soul to squueze" since I still can't get the file now?
